Adam Kadmon

Adam Kadmon


Mieke Momsuller

24-09-2014 5 comments Print!
In the blogtexts that I wrote from may 2014 on, I first try to give my view on the question: What is a human being. There is the view of a primordial man who was perfect already, who stands at the beginning of the evolution of mankind. We find this view throughout the different religions. In the  Kabbala that originated in Judaism we find an esoteric tradition by which an explanation is given about the relation between the eternal immortal universe, God, and the mortal and finite one that is God's creation. This creation of God is called Adam Kadmon. But we should not think of him as of Adam in Genesis, who was expelled from Eden as is said in Genesis 3, 24: So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Not this Adam is meant, Adam Kadmon is the primordial Adam, the Adam before the 'primordial sin'. The human being who lives on earth has lost the thee faculties through which Adam Kadmon stood at the side of God: Wisdom, Bliss and Immortality. Adam Kadmon emerged from the infinite Godhead. He is indistinguishable from God, but on the other hand he is beside God, as the creation of the world. We can see a resemblance with the first lines of the Gospel of St. John, where it is said that the Word, who created all there is, was with God, the Word was God. We have to see Adam Kadmon as the creation of the universe who is the primordial man, the 'macroanthropos'.

The qualities of Adam Kadmon are the ten Sephirot, the basic character of the living universe, but also the possible virtues of the human being:

Adam KadmonKether is the Crown, the mastering of all the virtues
Hokhmah is the Wisdom
Binah is the Intelligence
These three form the head of Adam Kadmon

Tiferet is  Beauty, the pureness
Hesed is  Mercy
Geburah (Din) is Justice
These three are the breast and arms of Adam Kadmon

Jesod is the Foundation, the basis
Netzah is the Perseverance
Hod is the Glory
These three are the belly and legs of Adam Kadmon
With his feet he stands on Malkhut, that is the realm, the kingdom.
Here we have a wonderful image of how we, as human beings, could eventually become true. We would  develop on and on  into human beings who are wise, intelligent, beautiful, merciful, just, strong, perseverant and glorious - and we would be able to master all this genius by the crown we wear. We would learn to live together in a kingdom of kings.

Adam Kadmon
Adam Kadmon by Hildegard von BingenAdam Kadmon by Mieke Momsuller

Give your comment please

  • From @
    Liebe Frau Mosmuller,

    Adam Kadmon ist "von Gott nicht zu unterscheiden" und "zugleich neben Gott anwesend" und "ist Schöpfung der Welt". Vertragen sich diese drei Aspekte mit der "Vollkommenheit" des ursprünglichen Menschen? Oder ist die Existenz des Adam Kadmon bereits ein "Fall" und der Mensch, wie er heute auf der Welt lebt, das Ergebnis eines Zweiten Falls?
    Herzlichen Gruß
    Dieter Jahnke
    • From Mieke Mosmuller @
      Lieber Herr Jahnke, nein so fasse ich das nicht auf. Adam Kadmon muss man sehen als der Mensch bevor dem 'Sündenfall'. Rudolf Steiner hat ihn mehrmals beschrieben und auch gezeichnet als Lebensbaum. Das ist zu finden in Beiträge nr. 29. Herzliche Grüsse!
    • From Joris Happaerts @
      Lieber Dieter,

      Richtig, "Adam Kadmon ist " von Gott nicht zu unterscheiden"! Er kann sowieso nicht neben Gott sein. Adam Kadmon ist identisch an Gott . Er ist der Schöpfer des Universums. Nicht nur Schöpfung.
      Jetzt wissen wir, dass es keine 'Fälle' gegeben hat. Der Adam Kadmon hättet die Freiheit um zu wählen zwischen pflücken vom Baum von Wissenschaft von Gut und Übel und seitdem kennt man auf dieser Welt ‚Übel‘. Und dieser Welt ist unsere Schule.

  • From Andries Hoitsma @
    Beste Mieke Mosmuller,
    Nog veel meer informatie over de wezenlijke betekenis van de Adam Kadmon, de mens zoals deze bedoeld was, is te vinden bij de vele geschriften van Friedrich Weinreb. Onder meer in zijn boek "Het mensbeeld in de kaballa".
    Met hartelijke groeten,
    • From Mieke Mosmuller @
      Beste Andries, bedankt voor de aanwijzing. Ik kende Weinreb alleen uit de commotie rondom hem uit mijn studententijd. Een buitengewoon interessante, moeilijk te doorgronden figuur! Maar zijn boeken ken ik niet. Hartelijke groet.