Ave verum corpus - Man between heaven and earth

Ave verum corpus - Man between heaven and earth


Mieke Mosmuller

22-04-2015 5 comments Print!
A week after Easter a group of people came together in the former convent 'Samaya' which is situated in the middle of Holland to do inner work on finding a position in the inner-external existence, from which one can work safely with all the modern technology and also remain unbiased in the flow of information through the media. From the increasing effects from the electromagnetism, called 'electrosmog', man is cramped connected to his body, and he hardly finds the way out in daily life. One may search for external measures to protect oneself from that kind of smog. For example it is known that turf has a protective effect. But we cannot find a protection against the influencing of opinions coming from the media in an external way. And finally also the materializing that develops by a continually being exposed to the powers that come from the earth too strongly, can only be fought and overcome in an inner way.

The body becomes more material than it is meant to be, we can see this in the diseases that have to do with materalization – such as arteriosclerosis. The individual who suffers from this does not have to be a materialist in his opinions, not at all, but still the body has become too material, too earthly.

Image for the body that has known a right balance between matter and spirit, a body that is completely pure, a body truly human, can be experienced in the well known beautiful little music piece by Mozart, the Ave verum corpus. Each of the three days in Samaya was finished with singing this music, at first as an exercise, but on the third day already on its way to a beautiful consonance.

We have made an effort to go beyond the limited self in the body, to pass into the wideness of light and space, which is a true spring activity and curative for body and mind. That was only a part of the three-day program that let us view even wider perspectives...

There is never an instant solution when it concerns the health of body and soul. It is a continuous search for the flexible balance. In the moment as it is thrown off to one side, the other side has to get attention. But in our time the heaviness of the earth is prevailing, we are almost always out of balance, we should really do something about it.

That is what we strived for in those three intensive days. It was experienced to be so effective that there will be a similar group again next year...

Ave verum corpus - Man between heaven and earth
Jan Luijken 1640-1712

Ave verum corpus - Man between heaven and earth by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From @
    Ganz so ätherisch hat es bei uns aber noch nicht geklungen. Gott sei Dank haben wir noch ein Jahr!
    • From Marie Anne Paepe @
      Als toehoorder stond ik versteld van wat jullie na zo weinig repetitietijd konden laten horen - in vroom gevoel, in diepe eerbied - na drie intense dagen waarin we pelgrim naar het Ik begonnen te wezen.
      Tot volgend jaar Florian !
      • From @
        Tot volgende keer Marie Anne!
        • From Mieke Mosmuller @
          Het valt niet te verwachten dat een groep amateurs na twee keer een half uur oefenen het niveau bereikt van het King's College choir... Er was echter wel een echte harmonie en zoals Marie Anne zegt een vroom gevoel en diepe eerbied. Een aantal mensen hadden zich drie dagen intensief beziggehouden met de vraag naar de Mens, en die activiteit klonk na in het gezongen Ave verum, dat was in die zin uniek, in die zin zelfs 'etherisch'.... Maar zo'n jongenskoor is prachtig!
          • From @
            Ich staue auch immer wie schön es am Ende zusammen klingt!
            Der Jungenchor hat mich bezaubert, weil er die Stimmung wieder so rein zum erleben bringt.
            So zart, so rein, so heilig ... ohne jeden Zweifel.