Yes, I had decided to delve a bit deeper into human and artificial intelligence, and as I was reflecting on this, I remembered a great thinker from the 13th century. In the time of Thomas Aquinas, a figure emerged who experienced enlightenment, and this is fascinating—not only for the content of that enlightenment but also... read more...
Today I would like to tell something about my experiences with artificial intelligence and I do that actually because for a long time I have been experiencing more and more strongly the difference between what artificial intelligence can do intelligently, I would rather call it intellectual, the difference between that and our o... read more...
In this booklet I have made an effort to describe how to be a true friend. And that basically comes down to being that which you so incredibly desire for the other person to be for you. It is a schooling you might say in selflessness as you slowly gain some awareness of what a friend, a true friend, actually is.... read more...
I firmly believe that the aggression that lives in every human soul can be overcome or strengthened. That it is that aggression that ultimately leads to wars.... read more...
Devoted to revelation of the spirit I gain light of the World-being. Power of thinking increases clarifying To give myself to me And the feeling of the self loosens itself awakening from the power of the thinker.... read more...
The thirteen holy nights in midwinter. In the ancient Mysteries, before Christ arrived on the earth, there already were feasts celebrated at the four seasonal highpoints of the year: Midwinter, spring, midsummer, autumn. In midwinter the soul is the enlightener of the physical body and because she is very near to the darkness of... read more...
To bring spiritual light into world-winter-night aims blissfully my heart’s desire, That soul-seeds radiant Root into foundations of the world, And divine Word in the darkness of the senses Sounds transfiguring through all being.... read more...
In depths of my being speaks, Urging to revelation, Mysteriously the World-Word: Imbue the aims of your work With the light of my Spirit, To sacrifice yourself through Me.... read more...
Can I know the being So that it can find itself again In the creative urge of the soul? I feel that power is granted to me To live modestly my own self as a part into the World-Self.... read more...
Mysteriously feeling the old-preserved with new arisen own being, in inner life revived: Shall, arousing, pour world forces, into the outer work of my life and becoming mould myself into existence.... read more...