Calendar of the Soul
Calendar of the soul 10, June 9 - 15

Calendar of the soul 10, June 9 - 15


Mieke Mosmuller

09-06-2023 0 comments Print!
Now we approach the summertime. We are getting used to looking outward more and more, and we see how the sum rises higher and higher, how the days grow longer, the nights become shorter. We are not used to feeling how we ourselves accompany the ascending sun, how our feeling powers also ascend into the space, with the sun. We are used to feeling ourselves separated from the outer world.
Now our feeling widens and reflects back an inner experience, not in clear thought, but in a vague presentiment. My feeling has become so wide that a divine being has felt me. I am not able to recognize this clearly - I will be in future.

To summer's heights
The radiant being of the sun rises;
It takes my human feeling
With it in its wideness of space.
Divining in my inner being
The feeling comes up, telling me vaguely,
One day you will know:
A divine being just felt you.

Zu sommerlichen Höhen
Erhebt der Sonne leuchtend Wesen sich;
Es nimmt mein menschlich Fühlen
In seine Raumesweiten mit.
Erahnend regt im Innern sich
Empfindung, dumpf mir kündend,
Erkennen wirst du einst:
Dich fühlte jetzt ein Gotteswesen.

This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.

Calendar of the soul 10, June 9 - 15 by Mieke Mosmuller

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