The dedication to the world becomes more profound. The thinking, willing and feeling of the soul were already devoted to the cosmic all. Now it seems possible to deepen the devotion, so that also the deepest divine living powers can be released to a flight into the worldwide all. So all conscious contents of the soul are left behind, there deep down on earth, in the physical body, and I seek myself in another world, the world of light and warmth of the cosmos.
The world's glory of beautyObliges me out of the depths of my soulTo release the divine powers of my own lifeTo a flight into the world;Leaving myselfConfidently seeking my selfIn the light and the warmth of the world.Der Welten Schönheitsglanz,Er zwinget mich aus SeelentiefenDes Eigenlebens GötterkräfteZum Weltenfluge zu entbinden;Mich selber zu verlassen,Vertrauend nur mich suchendIn Weltenlicht und Weltenwärme.This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.
Calendar of the soul, 12, St. Johns Tide, 24th of June by Mieke Mosmuller