Calendar of the Soul
Calendar of the Soul 30, October 27 - November 2

Calendar of the Soul 30, October 27 - November 2


Mieke Mosmuller

27-10-2023 1 comments Print!
Calendar 30   Calendar 26
In the sunlight of my soul come
Ripened fruits of thinking,
In sureness of self-consciousness
All feeling transforms itself.
I can perceive full of joy
The spiritual awakening of autumn:
Winter will awaken in me
The summer of the soul.
  Autumnally diminishes
The stimulating quest of the senses;
With revelation of light mingle
The vague veils of mist.
I myself see in the widths of space
The autumn's winter sleep.
Summer has given itself
To me.
Es spriessen mir im Seelensonnenlicht
Des Denkens reife Früchte,
In Selbstbewusstseins Sicherheit
Verwandelt alles Fühlen sich.
Empfinden kann ich freudevoll
Des Herbstes Geisterwachen:
Der Winter wird in mir
Den Seelensommer wecken.
  Es dämpfet herbstlich sich
Der Sinne Reizesstreben;
In Lichtesoffenbarung mischen
Der Nebel dumpfe Schleier sich.
Ich selber schau in Raumesweiten
Des Herbstes Winterschlaf
Der Sommer hat an mich
Sich selber hingegeben.

The verse of Michael, nr. 26 has been one of the turning points. From this point the verses turn inside out, outside in. In this thirtieth week it becomes very clear, and we should research exactly what happens. In the beginning of September our look has been turned to the beginning of autumn in nature, and the yielding of summer to us. Now a kind of destination has been reached. In the light of the soul fruits of thinking ripen and our feeling life transforms in the sureness of self-consciousness. What autumn gives me now is the awakening of spirit and the anticipation of the summer of the soul that will come in winter.

This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.

Calendar of the Soul 30, October 27 - November 2 by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From Clasina (Ine) Verhoeven @
    Dankjewel Mieke, verrassend voor mij, deze blog nu als een openbaring op mijn zielenpad gekomen.