Calendar of the soul 34, November 24-30 |
Calendar of the soul 19, August 11-17 |
Mysteriously feeling the old-preserved with new arisen own being, in inner life revived: Shall, arousing, pour world forces, into the outer work of my life and becoming mould myself into existence. |
Mysteriously enclosing the newly received with remembering Shall be the further significance of my quest: It shall, strengthening, awaken Forces of the self in my inner life And becoming give myself to me. |
Geheimnisvoll das Alt-Bewahrte Mit neuerstandnem Eigensein Im Innern sich belebend fühlen: Es soll erweckend Weltenkräfte In meines Lebens Aussenwerk ergiessen Und werdend mich ins Dasein prägen. |
Geheimnisvoll das Neu-Empfang'ne Mit der Erinnerung zu umschliessen, Sei meines Strebens weitrer Sinn: Er soll erstarkend Eigenkräfte In meinem Innern wecken Und werdend mich mir selber geben. |
The inner power is becoming stronger towards winter. We feel this in the inner life and these forces are being poured into my deeds. Through my conscious deeds I transform the outer world and by doing this I impress myself in the outer existence.
This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.
Calendar of the soul 34, November 24-30 by Mieke Mosmuller