It is a wonderful image that lies in this verse. We feel the strong good power of the soul. She is imbued with spirit, with divine forces, and so she wants to bring these divine forces into the outer world by her deeds. She wants to give herself form, become a being that is formed so that she is able to transform herself in human love and true human work.
The creative power of the soulEndeavours from the heart's groundTo inflame forces of GodIn human life to work in the right way,To shape herselfIn human love and in human work. Der Seele Schaffensmacht,Sie strebet aus dem Herzensgrunde,Im Menschenleben GötterkräfteZu rechtem Wirken zu entflammen,Sich selber zu gestaltenIn Menschenliebe und im Menschenwerke.This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.
Calendar of the soul 41, January 12-18 by Mieke Mosmuller