What we had experienced in the previous week becomes still stronger now. It is the warmth of the spirit that warms the winter-depths. What is sheen in the world, i.e. not real being, becomes power of true being now. It is the forces of the heart that give this power. We can learn to feel that the inner warmth, the fire of the soul, works as a power to withstand the coldness of the world.
In winter depthsTrue being of the spirit gives warmth;It gives to the world-sheen,Through forces of the heart, powers to be;The soul-fire in the depth of the human beingWithstands the coldness of the world. In winterlichen TiefenErwärmt des Geistes wahres Sein;Es gibt dem WeltenscheineDurch Herzenskräfte Daseinsmächte;Der Weltenkälte trotzt erstarkendDas Seelenfeuer im Menscheninnern.This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.
Calendar of the soul 43, January 26 - February 1 by Mieke Mosmuller