Calendar of the Soul
Calendar of the soul 45, February 9-15

Calendar of the soul 45, February 9-15


Mieke Mosmuller

13-02-2023 0 comments Print!
In this week the highlight of the winter period turns to the world of the senses, not yet as a full activity, but in interlacing the senses with the power of thought. It is the first reverence of thinking to the sense-world: bringing the senses to full clarity. Only in this way can the senses be clear and perception become pure. Then the fullness of the soul can unify itself with the becoming of the world. The senses are not mere physical organs that act by their own force. Thinking must be shining through them so that they will become brightly lit.

Power of thought consolidates
In league with the birth of spirit;
It brightens dull sense-stimuli
To full lucidity.
When soul-abundance
Wants to unify itself with the becoming of the world,
Then revelation of the senses
Must receive light of thinking.

Es festigt sich Gedankenmacht
Im Bunde mit der Geistgeburt,
Sie hellt der Sinne dumpfe Reize
Zur vollen Klarheit auf.
Wenn Seelenfülle
Sich mit dem Weltenwerden einen will,
Muss Sinnesoffenbarung
Des Denkens Licht empfangen.

This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.

Calendar of the soul 45, February 9-15 by Mieke Mosmuller

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