Calendar of the Soul
Calendar of the soul 49, 9 - 15 March

Calendar of the soul 49, 9 - 15 March


Mieke Mosmuller

09-03-2023 0 comments Print!

Last week it was love that was awakened in the heart by the certainty of worldly thinking. Now the inner life offers the rays of hope to the coming world day. We now feel the power of being, and the clarity of thought expresses this, while it is aware of the growth of the mind, as it took place in the outwardly dark wintertime.

I feel the force of the world-being:
Thus speaks clarity of thought,
Remembering own minds growing
In the dark nights of the world
And bows to the near world day
The rays of hope from within.

Ich fühle Kraft des Weltenseins:
So spricht Gedankenklarheit,
Gedenkend eignen Geistes Wachsen
In finstern Weltennächten
Und neigt dem nahen Weltentage
Des Innern Hoffnungsstrahlen.

This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.

Calendar of the soul 49, 9 - 15 March by Mieke Mosmuller

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