Christmas tale

Christmas tale


Mieke Mosmuller

28-12-2016 8 comments Print!
Once upon a time there was a great King. He was the greatest of all kings; he was seated on a throne of gold that gleamed like the sun itself.

He was different from all other kings, for he didn't have to enlarge his realm; he had already everything that exists. There was nobody angry with him, because he had the loveliest, most loving and greatest heart in the whole world.

This king looked at what he had made and at first he looked at it with satisfaction, for everything was good and went exactly as he wished it to. He had made the world and he had made all the people, the sun, the moon and the stars... And in his royal ear everything sounded together as the most beautiful song.

He listened and looked, he looked and listened. But after a long, long time he thought: it seems to me that the song is not so lovely anymore, it sounds softer and it seems to be a little bit disfigured... He looked and listened still more intensely and saw that the world had lost a bit of its beauty. The people had begun to quarrel, they were mad at each other and they were ruining everything.

The king asked his heart that was so dearly loving that it wanted to make everything good, whether it maybe knew what was wrong.

The heart said: “Father King, we are too far away from the people, they never see us, hear us - they forget us and I would want to go to them to embrace them with my good will, so that they will not be angry anymore, and will not destroy anymore.”

And thus Father King gave his heart away to the human beings. The heart had to travel a very, very long time to reach the human beings on earth, it slid along the sunrays at day, and along the moonbeams at night, for there were no airplanes or rockets yet to fly with, everything went very, very carefully.

Now the heart sought a little baby to beat within. It was surprised about how small baby-bodies are, and even the grownups were very small, he found. How should that be, a big, a great heart as he was, slipping into a baby-body?

But a child was born, a child laying in a manger, a little baby with the greatest heart that could love so deeply. It was so very, very great that it lighted the whole environment and more.

And thus it could happen that the shepherds in the fields saw the shining of the loving heart and heard the angels singing that the child was born and that they had to go and find it, to bring it all their fate and honor it.

There also were three kings that came from the east. They knew that this child would be born and they looked for the place where they could find it. They also saw the great shining of the dear heart in the sky ... but they saw it as a big star that showed them their way. The kings knew about the great King who had sent his heart to help.

Since that time we all have this heart with us, because it is so great that it shines and lightens in all of us and we can always ask it for help, so great that it will relieve the pains, the sorrows, the fears. Therefore we are always happy at Christmas, because we celebrate the birthday of the child with the great, dear and loving heart that is so big that you can always see it in the sky like a star and can hear it as the choir of angels.

Christmas tale
Fra Filippo Lippi Madonna in the woodsChristmas tale by Mieke Mosmuller

Give your comment please

  • From Marjolein Stolker @
    Dank je wel voor dit mooie verhaal.
    Ik bewaar het ook voor mijn kleinkinderen als ze zover zijn.
  • From OttoJan Bokma @
    Kerstfeest , gedenken we de geboorte van God zijn enig geboren zoon Jezus. Hij kwam naar deze wereld , om voor ons aan het kruis te gaan, stierf voor onze zonden ,en na drie dagen stond Hij op uit de dood! God deed dit omdat Hij zoveel van de mensen houd!! Een ieder die Jezus aanneemt als zijn verlosser van zijn zonde, heeft eeuwig leven ! De dood is overwonnen!! Daarom mogen wij het kerstfeest vieren.
  • From @
    Prachtig, dankjewel, ik geef het weer door en zal het met aandacht voorlezen....
  • From @
    Mooi en waarachtig in al zijn eenvoud. Fijn dat je dit met ons wilde delen Mieke.
  • From Maureen Havas-D'Andrea @
    Thank you for this very inspiring picture of the Christ Child within our hearts.
    Let us hold it during these Holy Nights - even here in the Southern Hemisphere with our warmth and sunshine - and take it into the coming year to abide with us.

  • From Annelies Willems-Heijnen @
    Lieve Mieke, ik ga het het aan onze kleinkinderen doorvertellen....dat doet goed!
    xxJules en Annelies
  • From Manfred @
    Alt u. für die heutige Zeit (es war noch nie tauglich für die Weiterentwicklung) nicht mehr tauglich!!
    Wieder mit der Alten Masche v. weit entfernten Gott werden die Menschen ins Nichts geleitet u. alles würde so weiter gehen wie seit ca. 2000 Jahren.
    Es ist an der Zeit für d. Menschen ja gerade d. Kindern zu Lernen dass Gott im Herzen gegenwärtig ist, das andere ist Nebel für d. Fortschritt u. Gift für das Bewusstsein.
    Der Vater ist in mir und ich bin im Vater.................................
    Nicht ich tue dies sondern der Vater in mir.............................
    Seid nicht Naiv sondern sucht danach...................................

  • From Christiane Yazdani @
    Sehr verehrte Frau Mosmuller, bin gequält von der Geschichte.Dabei suche ich so sehr nach Nahrhaftem für meine Kinder.Dies Bild der Liebe überträgt sich mir nicht. Den Kindern habe ich die Geschichte mehrmals vorgelesen.Sie hörten zu.Weiter, was weiter?!