Endangered humanity

Endangered humanity


Mieke Mosmuller

01-04-2015 2 comments Print!

On Palm Sunday in Bern I have given a lecture and afterwards exercises on the theme 'endangered humanity'. In the announcement the question was asked what the world wide conflicts have to do with us and what they ask from us individually.

On Palm Sunday we remember how Jesus is welcomed as if he is a worldly king and there seems to be a possibility that his task becomes an public success.

But that is not His true will. This will is carried out in the good week, with as its deepest point Good Friday and as its highest his resurrection on Easter Sunday. That is an example of what is expected of the individual human being who wants to be His pupil - which is not the protest march or revolution, it is the inner development.

An inner development seems to be a pure inner solitary process, how could that work on the world? But this opinion has to do with the materialistic view on mankind, where man is seen as a secluded thing, that is inactive as long as it is not active visibly – like a rock remains still as a dead thing, inactive, unless it is brought to movement.
From this view from the outside, one does not see that the human etheric body – that makes growth and life possible – exists less secluded from the big world of the living processes, and thus from other people. The soul is even a completely not secluded inner world of experiences, what happens there stretches out to the whole soul area of all feeling beings.
From this point of view one can start with inner activity and be full of faith about its action. Then it is important to align with the development of the human being as it is in our time. We live in our conscious thinking without any possible observation of the divine-spiritual. Because of that we are also capable to do everything that God has forbidden. If we would see Him, we would be on our guard. But now we are free, we can have our comings and goings just as we wish.

The human thinking neither is an inactive material program that just passes, it has life in its ground, and that life is the strength of the truth that would be leading thinking, if it would move purely in facts and concepts. Than it would take the right shape of itself every time, and show us the true relation between facts and concepts.

In the past year I have written a book, that tries to show the road to this living thinking, to describe it. It has just been published in Dutch as well as in German.

Endangered humanity
Order book now >Endangered humanity by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From @
    Wie wahr und wie wunderbar klargestellt: "..nicht die Revolution und der Protestmarsch, auch nicht der Streik..." Wie gut, dass einmal jemand die Wichtigkeit der inneren Entwicklung beleuchtet, die so oft nicht das "Hosianna!" des würdigen Prioritäts-Ranges bekommt.
    Obwohl wir um die Macht des Denkens und Meditierens wissen, wird es so oft durch die Vehemenz der äußeren Ereignisse kleingestuft.
    Grade jetzt in der Kar-Woche bin ich sehr dankbar für diesen Hinweis, denn auch diesbezüglich ringen wir ja um eine bedrohte echt menschliche Lebendigkeit und Sinnhaftigkeit unserer Rituale. Danke und frohe Ostern! Margareta
  • From Kurt Hofer @
    Ganz herzlichen Dank für den Buchhinweis. Wenn darin der Weg zum lebendigen Denken aufgezeigt wird, finde ich darin zweiefellos auch die Antwort auf meine Frage von letzter Woche. Ich bin sehr gespannt und freue mich auf sie Lektüre!