Fear and fright and the media

Fear and fright and the media


Mieke Mosmuller

13-08-2014 10 comments Print!
Before I give a more philosophical reflection on belief, I want to write about a very concrete belief or rather about faith.

Let us admit for a while that everything we get to see, hear and read through the media is true. I questioned the truth before, but I want to point to something else here, and therefore I want to accept, for a little while, that everything that is said in the media is said with a consciousness about telling the truth.

Last July the world was shocked by the crash of an airplane with citizens on board, shot down by a rocket that was meant for military goals. Of course the shock is based on true feelings. The crash was a fact, it was also a fact that 298 persons died, that there is a large number of those who have to stay behind, who mourn and who are angry and full of misery. The fact shocked the world and this shock had many consequences. One of the most important and strong consequences is fear and fright. Fear of travelling by airplane again, fear off the loss of moral principles in the war of one population against another, fear of a new world war. A well of fear went over the world, and it still works. Less manifest, but still more virulent. Messages like: 20.000 soldiers are on the border of Russia with the Ukraine; sanctions of the EU-countries against Russia; Sanctions of Russia to all the countries that are part of the drama, feed this fear.

Now, this August, a new fear wells over the world. In Africa there is a viral infection that is lethal and for which there is no treatment yet. The virus spreads quickly and many Africans already died. The infection will certainly not be confined to Africa in the future. One feels helplessly frightened, and this fright spreads over the world more virulently than the virus itself.

What can we do to protect ourselves against this physical and psychic virus?
In alternative medicine, which is much older than modern scientific medicine, we know that the causes of illness are not only physical. Whether one gets the illness that is called 'ebola' not only depends on contamination. In modern medicine this is also known of course. The physical constitution, the state of nutrition and health are important factors. But in alternative medicine, in 'esoteric' medicine it is known very well that the greatest risk to get a disease - when it becomes epidemic - lies in the psychical sphere: it comes from fright and fear. There are wonderful examples in history through which this is made clear to us. Let us remember the life of Franciscus of Assisi. He embraced the leprous patients that were held far from society out of fear and fright. But Franciscus, who was full of pity and mercy, felt no fear and embraced the poor leprous people, who were lonely and outcasts. Franciscus didn't get lepra. Another example is Elisabeth of Thüringen, called 'the hospital saint'.

Of course we are not all saints like Franciscus and Elisabeth. But we can learn a lot from saints like them. And it is of great comfort to know that one will not be infected, if one banishes all fear from his mind, soul and body. That is not easy, but it can be done. And what else could we do against such powerful wells of fear that go over the world? The earth has an aura of fear around it; this darkens the actual light-character of the earth. Wasn't it said by Christ that He would stay with us forever and ever?

One can feel very well that fear closes us for all well doing forces that come from our environment, and that it attracts all the ill making forces. If one banishes the full power of fear and fright from his mind and soul, one opens up his heart and forces stream out of it, that give much more antigens against infections than we can ever get from vaccinations. And they also work when there is no vaccination developed or available yet...

I don't mean to say that there will be no more victims - there will always be. But fear doesn't help us, only courage can.

Fear and fright and the media
Elisabeth of Thüringen washing a leprous patientFear and fright and the media by Mieke Mosmuller

Give your comment please

  • From A. Koppenens @
    Heerlijk om weer eens bevestigd te zien dat angst alleen maar alles 'ver-engt', letterlijk en figuurlijk.
    En dat wanneer 'het stroomt', 'we stromen', dat we veel weerbaarder zijn, veel creatiever zijn. Veel meer 'ge-grond' ZIJN.
    Een verademing weer even. Dank u.
  • From Petra Schidlowski @
    ......Wie wahr.....Klasse...:-)
  • From @
    Dieser Aufruf und diese Klarstellung ist wunderbar, liebe Mieke, Vielen Dank!
    Es gibt aber nicht nur Angst, und drum berichte ich gerne von einem Aufruf, der am vergangenen Freitag um die Welt ging, an diesem Tag, der auch als Friedens-Fest bekannt ist, um 18 Uhr MEZ eine weltweite Friedens-Gebets-und Meditations-Stunde zu machen. Ich bin sicher, dass das vielerorts - wie auch immer, sicher mit besten Absichten - vollzogen wurde. Hier in Schwabach auch. Ich stelle das dazu, weil es mich gefreut hat, und zeigt, dass man auch hier und dort sich nicht von der Angst unterkriegen lässt. Der Mut, von dem Du sprichst lässt sich ja an solchen Situationen wie den derzeit weltweiten erüben. Dann wird er zur Erlöserkraft. Das wünsche ich uns allen! Margareta
  • From Eva Bergvall @
    Sehr wichtige Worte in dieser Zeit.
  • From @
    Iedere keer weer verrast het mij hoe actueel (algemeen maar ook voor mij persoonlijkl)en verfrissend de Blogs zijn. En hoe praktisch denken maar kan zijn..
  • From @
    Helemaal mee eens!
  • From Eefke van der Haar-Warffemius @
    Dankjewel, Mieke Mosmuller! Misschien is dat wel wat me altijd gekluisterd hield aan de boeken die ik van u las. Wees niet bang: ga je weg, leef het leven zoals het voor jou bestemd is, houd vast aan licht en liefde.
  • From Douglas Exner @
    S.O.U.L./Source-Of-Unconditional-Love. Acronym Might Serve As An Example.
    (Acceptance without judgment, blame, expectation, in the free-spirit sense. We rise above our fears, open to express unconditional love naturally. Freedom of expression; the more we express unconditional love, the easier it then gets to let go of fear.)
  • From nikoleta kyprianidis @
    liebe mieke, wie schoen deine wORTE hier lebendig zu erleben. vielen dank, dass du einen blog schreibst und somit jetzt auch hier bist im grossen miteinanderfuereinander sein des netzes.
  • From Simone @
    Ich erlebe die notwendige Angstüberwindung heute von zwei Seiten her:
    Zuerst kam für mich die Überwindung von alten Glaubenssätzen durch neue Erkenntnisse, was führte in eine Haltung entschieden größerer Offenheit und Anvertrautheit --- zunächst dem reinen ICH BIN gegenüber und --- letztlich dann (oder ursprünglich erstlich und grundlegend) dem Göttlichen als Dreiheit von VATER, SOHN und HEILIGER GEIST bis in die eigene Biologie hinein.
    Als Empehlung in Bezug auf Entängstigung der Medizin, siehe hier: http://www.biologisches-heilwissen.de/