Fear and fright and the media - the Corona virus

Fear and fright and the media - the Corona virus


Mieke Mosmuller

05-02-2020 8 comments Print!

What can we do to protect ourselves against this physical and psychic virus called the Corona virus?

In alternative medicine, which is much older than modern scientific medicine, we know that the causes of illness are not only physical. Whether one gets the illness that is called 'Corona' not only depends on contamination. In modern medicine this is also known of course. The physical constitution, the state of nutrition and health are important factors. But in alternative medicine, in 'esoteric' medicine it is known very well that the greatest risk to get a disease - when it becomes epidemic - lies in the psychical sphere: it comes from fright and fear. There are wonderful examples in history through which this is made clear to us. Let us remember the life of Franciscus of Assisi. He embraced the leprous patients that were held far from society out of fear and fright. But Franciscus, who was full of pity and mercy, felt no fear and embraced the poor leprous people, who were lonely and outcasts. Franciscus didn't get lepra. Another example is Elisabeth of Thüringen, called 'the hospital saint'.

Of course we are not all saints like Franciscus and Elisabeth. But we can learn a lot from saints like them. And it is of great comfort to know that one will not be infected, if one banishes all fear from his mind, soul and body. That is not easy, but it can be done. And what else could we do against such powerful wells of fear that go over the world? The earth has an aura of fear around it; this darkens the actual light-character of the earth. Wasn't it said by Christ that He would stay with us forever and ever?

One can feel very well that fear closes us for all well doing forces that come from our environment, and that it attracts all the ill making forces. If one banishes the full power of fear and fright from his mind and soul, one opens up his heart and forces stream out of it, that give much more antigens against infections than we can ever get from vaccinations. And they also work when there is no vaccination developed or available yet...

I don't mean to say that there will be no more victims - there will always be. But fear doesn't help us, only courage can.

Repetition of a text from 2014 when we were startled by "ebola".

Mieke Mosmuller

Fear and fright and the media - the Corona virus by Mieke Mosmuller

Give your comment please

  • From Nelia @
    Ik denk dat het hele "corona virus" een hoax is, uitgedacht om mensen op een dwaalspoor te brengen, angst te zaaien inderdaad en mogelijk miljarden te gaan verdienen aan vaccinaties. Wellicht gaat er in China een griepje rond die een bepaald aantal doden tot gevolg heeft onder ouderen en verzwakten, zoals bij ons ook regelmatig gebeurt.
    • From Eva @
      I totally agree Nelia...
  • From France Okubo @
    Danke liebe Mieke Mosmuller über diese Ermutigung uns zu öffnen für die Licht und Heilkräfte in und um uns herum . Das ist so unglaublich wichtig in unserer so komplexer Welt .
  • From Mieke Berendsen @
    Dank je wel Mieke voor je liefdevolle bemoedigende woorden, die we zo goed kunnen gebruiken in deze tijd.
  • From Philia @
    Angst maakt murf en dat is een wezen dat elke ik-ontwikkeling lam legt. Na de 'val van de muur' verspreidde het zich ook over de rest van Europa. De innerlijke initiatieven die in de DDR groeide om een innerlijk 'midden' -met een menselijke maat- te scheppen in onze cultuur, werd hiermee snel 'overruled'. Nu gaan we gebukt onder wat zich in de wereld afspeelt i.p.v. een gezond innerlijk tegenwicht in onszelf te vinden.
  • From Kristina Kossack @
    I agree wholeheartedly that fear is the worst sickness. That courage makes you free.
  • From Thomas @
    "Angst essen Seele auf" lautet der Titel eines Films von Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Und in der Tat: Angst ist in punkto Gesundheit ein schlechter Ratgeber.
    Was mich bei der Diskussion über das Virus aber vor allem interessiert - mit Blick auf anthroposophische Erkenntnisse zu Seuchen der Vergangenheit: Was sind die spirituellen Gründe für das Auftreten dieser Epidemie gerade jetzt in China und auf dem ganzen Globus? Ein Resultat des grassierenden Materialismus und Anti-Humanismus in der Volksrepublik - mit Auswirkungen auf die ganze Welt? Wird durch diese Krankheit und die damit einhergehenden Massnahmen letztlich die Macht des chinesischen Überwachungsstaates gebrochen und die Geistesfreiheit gefördert? Das wäre dann ja durchaus eine begrüßenswerte Folge des Virus, oder? Michaelisch gewollt? Was sagt die geistige Welt dazu?
  • From Joop Pennings @
    Moeilijk om te geloven dat een arts dit schrijft....volstrekt onbewezen onzin lijkt me.