Our feeling potency is not from this world. Modern science laughs about words like this, but in older times - and also in coming times - we knew and will know that the feelings of human beings are composed from the tones of the harmony of the spheres. Johannes Kepler, although a scientist in a modern way, still had a feeling for this harmony of the world that is not only a mathematical and physical harmony, but also a divine cosmic harmony. He still had some Pythagorean wisdom that made him perceive that in the wonderful composition of the world there is a divine thought creating that is not only thought but that is also creating power.
Our feelings originate from this cosmic world. As the planets walk around the sun, our feelings are articulated in seven tones that originate from the cosmic atmospheric harmony. It is difficult to find this origin, because the everyday personal feelings are much stronger than these fine etheric spheres that are also related to the seven spheres of consciousness.
Being thought in this way, there has to be an atmospheric music that is in fact our feeling life. This cosmic music is however drowned by a half bodily, half personal feeling life. If the body is healthy, the cosmic music tones through the body. If the soul is sound, the cosmic music forms the personal feelings. But in life on earth the music is never that heavenly as it is in its pure forms. We have heard this pure music when we were in heaven, between our birth and our former death. A composer remembers more of it and can bring this music, mingled with earthly tones in his compositions.
But in our lives the music is often full of dissonance, the social problems cause these dissonance and it is fate that brings it on. Only if we have a little bit of freedom in our souls, we can transform the dissonance in harmony again - if not we have to wait for fate, whether it bears further discordance or whether harmony will follow again.
In music it is the passages from dissonance to harmony that are the most impressive, that touch us in the deepest way. If a composition would have only harmony in it, we would probably experience it as rather superficial. In music it is not only the melody, the rhythm, the harmony that make it to a musical experience. The passages between the tones, the chords, between the moods, the modes are significant, they make the music.
But to play the cosmic music on earth between souls it is necessary to be keyed in the right way. Seven mighty tones must be keyed so that they can sound in purity, and that they can meld together into harmonious music - without fear of dissonance.
That is what I meant by 'active feeling'. A soul with false tones from the beginning will never accord with other souls. We will have to learn to produce our tones in purity.
Museum in Tripoli, Apollo playing the lyre.
Feeling as a musical composition by Mieke Mosmuller