Look at the angels, weaving images in our souls!

Look at the angels, weaving images in our souls!


Mieke Mosmuller

28-10-2015 3 comments Print!

In his prophecy about the near future Steiner gave three warnings about what will happen if we remain asleep to the work of the angels in our astral body. In the first he described were the changes in the area of the will, through which not brotherhood but a fight between people would arise, one human being against another human being. Not love but hatred would become the leading principle.

The second aspect concerns the feeling range of the soul. Here we should cultivate a capacity to see the spiritual being in our fellow man. If we don't see this spiritual being anymore, our fellow becomes a mere physical body, and that has serious consequences for the care of the human body.  In recent weeks I have been describing this aspect of the human being's pure feeling that also concerns thinking, by forming its foundation.
The third aspect I will discuss later.

Rudolf Steiner:
'The second aspect is that from this work which involves changes affecting the Angels themselves, still another result accrues for humanity: instinctive knowledge of certain medicaments — but knowledge of a baleful kind!
Everything connected with medicine will make a great advance in the materialistic sense. Men will acquire instinctive insights into the medicinal properties of certain substances and certain treatments — and thereby do terrible harm. But the harm will be called useful. A sick man will be called healthy, for it will be perceived that the particular treatment applied leads to something pleasing. People will actually like things that make the human being — in a certain direction — unhealthy.
Knowledge of the medicinal effects of certain processes and treatments will be enhanced, but this will lead into very baleful channels. For man will come to know through certain instincts, what kind of illnesses can be induced by particular substances and treatments. And it will then be possible for him either to bring about or not to bring about illnesses, entirely as suits his egotistical purposes. '
GA 182, The Work of the Angels In Man's Astral Body.

The extent to which this is becoming a reality is a theme that I will not deal with here. The reader can see and judge for himself. Many people will reject this totally, others will doubt, still others will recognize some symptoms of this 'illness' in modern medicine...
Look at the angels, weaving images in our souls!
Rembrandt, Anatomy of Dr. Tulp
A science of the dead body.Look at the angels, weaving images in our souls! by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From Fabrizio Venturini @
    Meine Erfahrung beim Arbeiten mit diesem Vortrag mit anderen Menschen ist, dass die meisten sich vor den prophezeiten Folgen fürchten und darüber zu spekulieren anfangen, ob und wo sie schon eingetreten sind oder nicht. Die wenigsten fangen an, über ihr Schlafen nachzudenken und ob sie etwas dafür getan haben, dass ihnen etwas von den Engelsbegegnungen im Schlaf in rechter Weise Impulse für ihr Denken, Fühlen und Handeln gibt. "Ich will an mir arbeiten - zuerst durch rechte Besinnung!", das müsste, meines Denkens die Frucht dieses Vortrags sein.
    • From Mieke Mosmulle @
      Ja, so sehe ich das auch. Was wäre der Sinn einer Voraussage, wenn wir keine Möglichkeit hätten, in der richtigen Weise uns zu entwickeln, damit das Bessere geschehen kann.
  • From @
    Truly frightening. Thank you for your commitment to write about this issue. Only through our own conscious awareness will we be able to know what treatment we need.