The powerful thinking described last week now comes to us as light from the heights of the world, as a certainty of world thought. The mighty rays of light bundle together to awaken love in the heart of the human being. True love is born out of the thinking of the human being that turns outwards from itself to thinking of the world.
In the light that from world heights
Wants to flow powerfully to the soul
Appear, solving soul riddles,
The secureness of world thinking
Gathering the power of his rays
Awakening love in the human heart.
Im Lichte das aus WeltenhöhenDer Seele machtvoll fließen willErscheine, lösend Seelenrätsel,Des Weltendenkens SicherheitVersammelnd seiner Strahlen MachtIm Menschenherzen Liebe weckend.
![Mieke Mosmuller]()
This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.
Love in the heart by Mosmuller