Metamorphosis of Consciousness

Metamorphosis of Consciousness


Mieke Mosmuller

26-02-2020 4 comments Print!

Again and again there comes a moment when I think it is necessary to point out that in our time we should want to work independently and in freedom on the transformation of our consciousness. I do not believe in spontaneous changes, the possibility to wait for them lies in the past. In modern times our will is counted on, and that will is free, you can do it or not. Whether you want to do it depends on the insight you have. And that insight every human being acquires himself, there is no pressure there. Whether I understand the concept of the circle is based on my will to understand. If I refuse to look at it, I don't have the insight. No one can force me. Maybe to look at it, but to really come to an understanding - there is no compulsion possible.

In the same way, no one can be forced to develop new forms of consciousness, it is based on understanding that it is so necessary.

Rudolf Steiner has spent a life giving this insight. I gladly contribute to it...

‘We must therefore see to it that we have the greatest possible exactitude of consciousness, for that alone is fitting for our present earthly life. If you take all that can be found in my books, Occult Science, The Threshold of the Spiritual World, A Road to Self-Knowledge, in Knowledge of the Higher Worlds. How is it achieved? as well as in many Lecture-Courses, you will find that the paths have been indicated whereby men may penetrate behind nature and behind the world of soul in the proper way and with the requisite preparation. The paths are described by which men can penetrate behind the scenes of existence in the right way. But the subjective strivings of very many persons do not, in reality, aim at reaching the goal to be desired. In those books it is clearly indicated that one who wishes to penetrate into the other world must transcend the normal form of consciousness. If the indications given are faithfully followed, it will be clear that one must emerge from the normal consciousness into a different form of consciousness.

It is important to know this, for there is a tendency among most people, indeed among many of our friends too, not to leave the normal form of consciousness at any price but to remain in it and to bring the spiritual world into the ordinary consciousness: that is to say, not to let the Ego emerge but to bring the spiritual world into the Ego. It is knowledge of the spiritual world that should be brought into the ordinary consciousness, not the spiritual world itself. If you faithfully practise what is contained in the books mentioned, you will bring yourself into conditions through which you will experience the spiritual world, conditions through which experiences deriving from that world can be brought into the sphere of the normal consciousness. But there are many who do not want this; they want the experience to be actually in the normal consciousness; whereas it ought to originate from consciousness that is different from the normal and passes into the normal. Many of our friends, however, try to have visions in the normal consciousness, not something that is a reminiscence of a different kind of consciousness. If, however, you have visions in the normal consciousness, that is to say, if you do not really wish to develop a different kind of consciousness, but to keep consciousness in its ordinary form and yet look into the spiritual world, this means that you do not seriously wish to go beyond but to remain in the ordinary consciousness, expecting to see forms and figures there which look like those of the physical world. Many people try hard to see spirits or the activities of spirits, but they want to see them just as they see physical things. They want to see a spirit, but this spirit is expected to have the form of a man or a woman or perhaps a poodle, as these are seen in the physical world. In the other world, however, it is not like this. The process itself lies outside the ordinary consciousness and what enters into the consciousness is at most a picture, an image which appears afterwards. In short, we must not expect the spiritual world to be merely a kind of finer sense-world, nor that it will speak in human words, the only difference being that the words come from the spiritual world. Our friends are often only willing to listen in this way to voices which seem to speak to them; these voices are expected to be similar to those of the physical world, merely giving a different, subtler version of things of the physical world. These people would like to enter the spiritual world with the ordinary consciousness which belongs to the physical world only.

(Rudolf Steiner, GA 254, 10th lecture, translation on rsarchive).

Mieke Mosmuller

Metamorphosis of Consciousness by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From Marita Stomp @
    Ik vind dit heel erg moeilijk om te begrijpen wat wr staat .ik heb dit al 5 keer overnieuw gelezen .
    • From Kees @
      Beste Marita , Ik ben het met u eens, her is sprake van een vreemde constructie van zinsdelen, inhoudelijk verwarrend, mogelijk door de vertaling uit het Duits ?
  • From Machteld @
    Het is ook niet gemakkelijk om te lezen. Het vergt een hogere concentratie dan we gewoon zijn te hebben. Het kan ook een meer opener concentratie zijn waarbinnen je de tekst leest en in je opneemt. Dus lezen zonder er iets van te vinden, of het al helemaal te begrijpen, dat helpt mij vaak. En dat dan meerdere keren. Ergens komt het begrip dan toch, soms snel, soms pas na langere tijd. Als je het leuk vindt om dit soort teksten van Rudolf Steiner en andere filosofen die worden geciteerd, te leren lezen, zijn er al meerdere werk- en leesgroepen in Nederland opgezet.
  • From @
    De financiële Robot is je beste expert in geld verdienen.
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