Occidental Karma Knowledge

Occidental Karma Knowledge


Mieke Mosmuller

24-04-2019 2 comments Print!
In Bern, on the 7th of April, the theme was ‘Occidental Karma Knowledge’. I tried to illustrate this theme with a quote from Rudolf Steiners ‘From Jesus to Christ’, the 5th lecture. Translation: rs-archive.

I have elsewhere mentioned that if a Christian sage were to be compared with the Buddhist one, he would have spoken differently to King Milinda. The Buddhist said to the King: ‘Consider the carriage, wheels, shaft, and so on; they are parts of the carriage, and beyond these parts carriage is only a name and form. With the word carriage thou hast named nothing real in the carriage. If thou wilt speak of what is real, thou must name the parts.’ In the same case the Christian sage would have said: ‘O wise King Milinda, thou hast come in thy carriage; look at it! In it thou canst see only the wheels, the shaft, the body of the carriage and so on, but I ask thee now: Canst thou travel hither with the wheels only? Or with the shaft only, or with the seat only? Thou canst not travel hither on any of the separate parts. So far as they are parts they make the carriage, but on the parts thou canst not come hither. In order that the assembled parts can make the carriage, something else is necessary than their being merely parts. There must first be the quite definite thought of the carriage, for it is this that brings together wheels, shaft, and so on. And the thought of the carriage is something very necessary: thou canst indeed not see the thought, but thou must recognise it!’

The Christian sage would then turn to man and say: ‘Of the individual person thou canst see only the external body, the external acts, and the external soul-experiences; thou seest in man just as little of his Ego as in the name carriage thou seest its separate parts. Something quite different is established within the parts, namely that which enables thee to travel hither. So also in man: within all his parts something quite different is established, namely that which constitutes the I. The I is something real which as a super-sensible entity goes from one incarnation to another.

Mieke MosmullerOccidental Karma Knowledge by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From Panchita van de perre @
    Ook in Boeddhisme is er een menner nodig Iemand die het geheel bestuurd !!
  • From Theophil Urech @
    Von Giovanni Segantini, ca. 1896.
    Meine Seele.
    Mit meinem Körper, in den das Schicksal meine Seele legte, hatte ich viel zu kämpfen. Er war verlassen und Waise mit sechs Jahren, so allein ohne Liebe, fern von allen wie ein toller Hund. In solchen Verhältnissen konnte ich nur verwildern und gegenüber den bestehenden Gesetzen war ich stets von Unruhe und Aufruhr erfüllt. Die menschliche Gesellschaft verdeckte meinen durch Schmutz und Hunger elenden Körper, aber Sein Schmutz und Hunger erreichten mich nicht; im Gegenteil, je mehr sie mit Dreck nach meinem elenden Körper warfen, um so mehr erstarkte ich mit einem Gefühl der Liebe für uns alle, die wir elend sind.
    Der Maler Segantini, der für seine Schriften fast unbekannt ist.