Spring Bazaar in Breda

Spring Bazaar in Breda


Mieke Mosmuller

04-03-2015 1 comments Print!

This week and the next one I will give my reflective attention to an event that is being organized by a circle of friends to my work. In 2012 this circle was originated to give financial support to the work I do. 21 years ago I published my first book, 'Seek the light that rises in the west'. It is based on my spiritual experiences with the 'science of the holy grail'. From this comes the title, it is the seeking for the Holy Grail that is being described in terms of seeking the light that rises in the west. I still see this book as the germ of my work, it has blossomed and bloomed since then in over thirty books, in novels as well as in spiritual-philosophical themes. Many books are in German also, and the third book in English is coming soon.

Since the publication of my book 'The living Rudolf Steiner' in 2008, I also give lectures and workshops in several countries throughout Europe. The theme is actually always the development of pure, living thinking. Although I base my inner work true and faithful on the work of Rudolf Steiner, I have emancipated from the anthroposophical society, because I need the inner freedom from the boundaries that are set by it.

Working for the spiritual development of the human being will never bring money, it will always cost money. In a Dutch paper I read that pilots have to pay for flying a plane when they don't have regular work and still want to keep up with their training. So feels the scientist of the spirit: he or she has to pay for being able to do the work.

And so it happened, that in 2012 a circle of friends of my work came together and since then they organize all sorts of things to keep the work economically sound. As they started working together the motto was: One alone cannot help; only he can help who unifies in the right moment with many others. This sentence comes from the fairy tale of the green snake and the beautiful lily of J.W.von Goethe.

Coming Saturday there will be a bazaar in the Rudolf Steiner School in Breda, organized by the circle of friends. It is really touching to experience what a work can be done when everybody gives his best qualities - and all the things he or she can miss. In this week it feels like being in the midst of busy bees, all giving their will to make this event the best event ever.

Friends are baking, cooking, making music, preparing to play Snow-white in eurhythmy with children, making beautiful postcards, trying out the puppet-show, looking through all the beautiful clothes, the books etc...

It is really a pity that Breda is unreachable for the English and German readers of this blog...

Springbazaar in BredaSpring Bazaar in Breda by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From @
    Inderdaad zo herkenbaar dat geesteswetenschap over het algemeen geen dik betaalde tak van wetenschap is:)
    Het is een innerlijk commitment om volhardend bij te dragen aan geestelijk welzijn van de mensheid.
    Heerlijk dat zo'n vriendenkring zich inzet om het voortzetten van dit werk economisch gezond te houden!
    Samengebundelde energie - in - actie:)
    Het zal een mooie en inspirerende dag worden!