The completion in infinity

The completion in infinity


Mieke Mosmuller

10-02-2016 7 comments Print!
I quote Rudolf Steiner about the teaching of Zarathustra:

'The teaching was not abstract but very concrete. Even when people of our time have a certain feeling for the Spiritual behind the physical world it is very difficult to make them realise that there must necessarily be more than one central spiritual power. But just as there are different natural phenomena — heat, light, chemical forces and the like — so there are different orders of lower spiritual Powers, subordinate forces whose realm of activity is more limited than that of the One All-Embracing Power. Zarathustra made a distinction between Ormuzd and other lower spiritual beings, who were his servants.  Before we turn to consider these lower spiritual beings, let us realise that the doctrine of Zarathustra is not mere dualism, a teaching of the two worlds of Ormuzd and of Ahriman. He taught that underlying these two currents in the universe there is one power whence both the realm of light (Ormuzd) and the realm of darkness (Ahriman) proceed. Old Greek writers tell us that the unity behind Ormuzd and Ahriman was worshipped by the ancient Persians as the LIVING UNITY, but it is difficult to re-create this idea nowadays. Zarathustra calls this Zervane Akarene — that which lies behind the light. To get at some conception of the meaning of this, let us think of the course of evolution. We must conceive of all creation as travelling towards greater and greater perfection, so that if we look towards the future, the Ahura of Ormuzd grows clearer and clearer. Looking into the past, we see the Ahrimanic powers in opposition to Ormuzd; in course of time, however, their existence must cease. In all these things we must understand that a survey of the future and of the past leads to the same point. It is very difficult for the man of to-day to realise this. Let us think of a circle, by way of illustration. If we start at the lowest point and pass along one side, we arrive at the opposite, the highest point. If we pass along the other side, we also arrive at the same point. If we enlarge the circle, we have further to go, and the curve of the arc becomes flatter and flatter. Draw the circle larger and larger, and the arc eventually becomes a straight line; thereafter both lines lead to infinity. But before this, with a smaller circle, we arrive at the same point along both sides. Why should we not assume that the same result obtains when the sides of the circle are flat and its fines straight? In infinity, the point must then remain the same on the one side as on the other. Therefore to conceive of infinity, we may imagine a line continuing indefinitely on both sides — in effect, a circle.

This is an abstract conception of what underlies the Zarathustrian doctrine of Zervane Akarene — Zaruana Akarana. Taking the concept of Time, we look into the future on the one side and into the past on the other. Time, however, is welded into a circle; the completion takes place in infinity. This is symbolically represented as the serpent biting its own tail; into the serpent the Power of Light which grows brighter and brighter, is woven on the one side, and on the other the Power of Darkness, which appears to grow deeper and deeper. While we ourselves remain in the centre, Ormuzd and Ahriman, Light and Shadow, are intermingled, and into all this is woven the self-contained, mysterious “Zaruana Akarana” — Time.

This ancient conception of the universe did not merely state vaguely: Outside and behind the world of the senses which works upon eyes and ears, there is “Spirit.” A kind of alphabet, records of the spiritual world were revealed. Suppose we to-day take a page of a book. We see letters on it and we build up words from these letters, but we must first have learnt to read. Those who have not learnt to read in the spiritual sense, cannot understand Zarathustra; they cannot read the sense of his teaching but merely see signs and symbols. Only those who know how to build up these signs into a doctrine to which their souls respond can understand Zarathustra.

Now behind the world of the senses, in the ordered grouping of the stars, Zarathustra perceived a symbolic writing in cosmic space. Just as we have a written alphabet, so Zarathustra saw in the starry worlds of space, a kind of Alphabet of the spiritual worlds, a language through which they became articulate. Thus arose the science of penetrating into the spiritual world and of reading and interpreting the constellations. He knew too, how to decipher the signs in which the Cosmic Spirits inscribe their activities into space. Their language is the grouping and movement of the stars. Zarathustra and his disciples saw that Ahura Mazdao creates and manifests by describing an apparent circle in the heavens, in the sense of our Astronomy, and this circle was for them the outward sign of the way in which Ormuzd manifested his activity to man. Zarathustra showed — and this is a most important point — that the Zodiac is a line which returns on itself, forming a circle as the expression of the rotation of Time. In the highest sense, he taught that while one branch of Time goes forward into the future, the other turns backwards into the past. Zaruana Akarana, the self-contained line of Time, the circle described by Ormuzd, the Spirit of Light, is what was later called the Zodiac. This is the expression of the spiritual activity of Ormuzd. The course of the Sun through the Zodiac is the expression of the activity of Ormuzd. The Zodiac is the expression of Zaruana Akarana. Zaruana Akarana and Zodiac are one and the same word, like Ormuzd and Ahura Mazdao. Two things must here be remembered.

When the Sun passes in summer through the light, his full powers fall upon the Earth; they are the forces of spiritual light sent forth by Ormuzd from his realm of light. The signs of the Zodiac through which Ormuzd passes in the summer or in the daytime reveal his activity unhampered by Ahriman. The signs of the Zodiac below the horizon are symbolical of the realm of shadow through which Ahriman passes. What, then, are the expressions of Ormuzd (who represents the light part of the Zodiac) and of Ahriman (the dark part), in their activity on Earth? Now there is a difference between the influence of the Sun in the morning and at noon time. When Ormuzd ascends from Aries to Taurus, the effect of his rays is not the same as when he is descending. His rays differ in summer and in winter and they differ with every sign through which the Sun passes. The course of the Sun through the signs of the Zodiac revealed to Zarathustra the many sides of the activity of Ormuzd, and he beheld here the expressions of spiritual beings who are, as it were, the servants, the “sons” of Ormuzd, who execute his commands. These subservient powers, each having their own special activity, are the “Amschaspands” or “Ameschas Pentas.” While Ormuzd represents the collective activity of the Zodiac, the Amschaspands have to perform the specialised activities expressed in the raying forth of the Sun from Aries, Taurus, Cancer, and so forth. The activity of Ormuzd is expressed in the raying of the Sun through all the light signs of the Zodiac — from Aries to Libra or Scorpio. According to Zarathustra, Ahriman works from the centre of the Earth, from the darkness where his servants, the Amschaspands, dwell; they are the opponents of the good genii surrounding Ormuzd. Zarathustra distinguished twelve orders of spiritual beings, six or rather seven, on the side of Ormuzd; six, or rather five, on the side of Ahriman. They are symbolised as good and evil genii, or subservient spirits, according to whether the Sun's course runs through the light or the dark signs of the Zodiac.
Thus Zarathustra saw a real super-sensible world behind the world of sense: Ormuzd and Ahriman, behind them Zaruana Akarana, below them the Amschaspands, good and bad. Now what are the Izods and Frawashars? According to Zarathustra they are the spiritual essence pervading the macrocosm, the living essence (das Wesenhafte) of the external physical phenomena we perceive with our senses. Man, as he stands in the world, is a replica of this greater world; therefore he contains within himself all the powers which ensoul the greater world.
Now one important feature in almost all other mystical currents of culture is missing in the religion of Zarathustra. The reason for this is its entire preoccupation with macrocosmic phenomena. Other religious systems have accentuated the contrasts presented by the division of the sexes. In most old religious systems, Goddesses and Gods are contrasting symbols of the two streams active in the world. The religion of Zarathustra rises above this conception in the symbols of Goodness as Light and Evil as Darkness. Hence the sublime purity of this religion and the nobility which lifts it above ideas which play an ugly part in any endeavour to deepen the thought life of our time. Even the Greek writers stated that the highest Godhead had perforce to create Ahriman as well as Ormuzd in order that there might be the necessary contrast. This implies that one Primal Power was set over against another. In the Hebrew religion, woman, Eve, is the symbol for the evil which came into this world. In the religion of Zarathustra there is no element of sex antagonism. The ugly things which nowadays enter so largely into our daily literature, pour into our thoughts and feelings and so unpleasantly accentuate the chief causes of health and disease without touching upon the essentials of life — all these will disappear when the “heroic” conception of Ormuzd and Ahriman is understood, when the true Zarathustrian influence spreads in present-day culture, clothed in the words of its great founder. These things pursue their own course in the world and nothing can arrest the progress of the truth inherent in the culture of Zarathustra. (GA 60, 1911/01/19)

The completion in infinity
Ouroboros, image for 'Zaruana akarana'.The completion in infinity by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From Herta Conrad @
    Danke für Ihre Möglichkeit, dass es auch ein einfacher Mensch wie ich daran wachsen kann.
    Mit lieben Gruß
    Herta Conrad
  • From Jan Boudolf @
    Merkwaardig dat Zarathustra in zijn leer het boze nog als eenheid ziet en niet spreekt over de pendant van Ahriman, Lucifer, die nochtans de mens doordrong vanaf zijn nederdaling op aarde.Misschien was dat toen nog niet aan de orde en is de invloed van Lucifer slechts later ingrijpend aantoonbaar geworden.
    Daarnaast stel ik mij de vraag waarom het 7° teken van de dierenriem, het enige niet levend wezen, de Weegschaal,nu eens bij de dienaren van Ormuzd wordt gerekend (verhouding 7-5), dan weer bij die van Ahriman (verhouding 6-6.). Maar misschien valt dit buiten het bestek van dit artikel en vind ik het antwoord in andere voordracht(en) van R Steiner.
    Tenslotte moest, volgens de Griekse schrijvers de hoogste godheid om Ormuzd te scheppen ook zijn tegenpool Ahriman scheppen. Betekent dit dan dat het boze een integraal bestanddeel is van die godheid? In de tijd van de inquisitie zou dergelijke gedachte ongetwijfeld geleid hebben tot de brandstapel. Maar misschien heeft de godheid voor deze tegenpool gekozen in functie van het doel van de schepping : de mens en zijn opdracht.
    • From Mieke Mosmuller @
      Het interessante is, dat Rudolf Steiner tenminste in één voordracht uitlegt dat we Ormuzd in feite als Lucifer moeten zien en Zaruana akarana als het middenprincipe dat alles omvat, dat is de eigenlijke godheid. Dan is ook te begrijpen dat voor Ormuzd, die toch extreem licht was, een tegenpool van duisternis moest worden geschapen. 7-5 en 6-6 moet een sterrenkundige betekenis hebben, die specifiek met de weegschaal te maken heeft, wat je je als beeld goed kunt voorstellen..
      • From Kees@ @
        In de Kwintencirkel waarbij de toonsoort C links op een horizontale lijn ligt als Paaspunt,en op de andere zijde rechts de toonsoort Fis worden deze 7 toonsoorten (C G D A E B en Fis) als de Lichte toonsoorten gerekend (voorjaar tot herfst) en de overige 5 als de donkere toonsoorten.(H.Bech: Die Sprache der Tonarten) De toonsoort Fis wordt gedeeld met Ges (naar het duister neigende, en Fis het lichte) (6-6) Wagner gebruikt deze toonsoorten op geniale wijze.herfstpunt:Dag en nacht zijn even lang.....
        • From Mieke Mosmuller @
          • From Jan Boudolf @
            Bedankt voor deze, althans voor mij, nieuwe inzichten.
    • From Dune Alcott @
      Met uitzondering van het sterrenbeeld Schorpioen, zit in de overige 'donkere' sterrenbeelden ook letterlijk weinig lichtkracht: ze bevatten bijzonder weinig heldere sterren. Als je vergelijkt met de 'lichte' sterrenbeelden dan valt het verschil sterk op: naar Ram, Stier, Tweeling, Leeuw, Maagd wordt je als een magneet aangetrokken, zo uitbundig en helder ze in sterren uitblinken. Een tweede groot verschil is de zichtbaarheid. De sterrenbeelden van de dierenriem in de zomer moet je écht gaan zoeken. Aangezien ze onder de ecliptica liggen zijn ze voor de waarnemers van het noordelijk halfrond laag aan de horizon te vinden, dus alleen goed zichtbaar bij heldere en droge nachten. De zomernachten zelf zijn echter nooit echt donker te noemen want de zon bevindt zich op een kleine afstand onder de horizon. Heel anders ervaren we de andere helft van de dierenriembeelden: die liggen boven de ecliptica. In de winter moet je moeite doen om je hoofd op te richten en bovendien zijn de nachten diepzwart en duren langer zodat het dominante van de sterrenbeelden nog wat groter wordt.
      Bij de antieke Egyptische cultuur komt, zoals R.Steiner in zijn voordrachten over het evangelie volgens Mattheüs heeft verteld, de 'ruimtewijsheid' van Hermes tot uitdrukking. Je kan daar een bevestiging in zien bij het lezen van 'Het Orionmyserie' van Robert Bauval. Het sterrenbeeld Orion krijgt in de aardse ruimte haar equivalent in het patroon van de pyramiden van Cheops; pyramiden als stenen sterren dus...
      Aan de andere kant is er het vooruitgaand principe, de geheimen van de evolutie, zoals die meegegeven zijn aan Mozes. Om terug te keren tot onze sterrenhemel: je hebt daar ook een 'verstorend' principe in het rustig kabbelende op en neergaande sterrenbeelden, en dat zijn de meteoorzwermen. Drie belangrijke zwermen bevinden zich in dierenriembeelden: de Tauriden (3 en 13 november), de Leoniden (17 november), de Geminiden (14 december), allen zichtbaar in de winter en dus een extra lichtkracht bovenop het sterrengeschitter. Het verstorende element zit hem in het feit dat je nooit op voorhand het maximum van de meteooractiviteit kan weten, noch de frequentie, noch de gemiddelde magnitude, alleen de waarneming zelf zal dat uitwijzen. Ook het geboren worden en het verdwijnen van een meterorenzwerm kan je als een 'teken' ,als een vingerafdruk van het geestelijke beschouwen. Doorheen Phosphorus/Lucifer, dus het uiterlijke licht, komt ons het bijzondere geestelijke van iedere meteorenzwerm tegemoet. Neem een veldbed, warme dekens en trek er eens 's nachts op uit: het laat op ons een onuitwisbare indruk.