The count of Saint Germain

The count of Saint Germain


Mieke Mosmuller

13-09-2017 0 comments Print!
In the last text I gave an image of the Count of Saint Germain, because he is the great teacher of the equilibrium between thinking and will. Through this equilibrium a harmonious feeling originates. The individual that lived in the Count was, according to Rudolf Steiner, Christian Rosencreutz. He is the teacher of spirituality in the Occident . All that I wrote during the past summer weeks is related to this occidental spiritual path.

Another great faculty of this spiritual Master is that everything he can give can be developed while being in a full working life. We don't have to retreat to a monastery or become a member of an occult brother (sister) hood. In the midst of life this path can be followed and everything we develop is given back to life on earth as fruits. When we think about the development of active thinking – as I have done in the past weeks – it could seem a thing for strangers to this world. But nothing could be less true. The force of spiritually developed thinking becomes willpower, to hold on through difficulties and give all there is to life on earth, becoming more and more familiar with the world and a stranger to our own daily self…

This adaption to the world, the devotion to all that is there and is going on, the growing ability to be a sound inhabitant of the earth, who can understand and change the earth to ever better and better stages,this is the force that comes from Christian Rosencreutz.

On the 6th – 8th October there will be an event in Ansbach (near Nürnberg),in the Orangerie, where a group of friends of Saint Germain, from the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany, including myself, will give lectures about, play the music of and recitetexts that have to do with the brilliant Count of Saint Germain, who lived in the 18th century. There will even be a small exploration in Eurythmy. The language will be German. There are still a few places left...

Ansbacher OrangerieThe count of Saint Germain by Mieke Mosmuller

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