This time I will reflect on the theme that seems to occupy everyone: Corona. In electron microscopic research the virus looks like a crown and was given the name Corona. It will surely not be a coincidence that precisely that name also has another meaning: the human self, the crown on natural creation, and the apocalyptic promise for the sixth cultural era... (Philadelphia).
From the beginning of the reporting my feelings do not want to go along with the given facts. There is a flu raging in which deaths fall, the mortality rate is around 3 percent, which is higher than with an ordinary flu. There have been some severe epidemics in the past, which have claimed many lives. This flu from Corona must be controlled at all costs, it must not take on a global form.
There is no cure (yet), vaccination is not (yet) possible. Everything is being done to prevent infection: isolation, mouth caps, protective clothing, quarantine, sealing off cities and provinces. Still, the virus spreads, but of course you can't compare with what would have happened if all these measures hadn't been taken.
I am well informed about the numbers, today, Sunday 8 March 2020 the counter is as follows: current cases 42,606; deceased 3594; cured 59,965. (Johns-Hopkins University). These are global numbers. The world population is currently 7,769,496,470, ( a few seconds later it's already 50 more. More than 7.7 billion people inhabit this earth. In China there live 1,439,323,774 of them. That's almost 1.5 billion. A number of infections of 80,000 seems not so bad.
Of course, every death is a loss and one would want to prevent that. But the same governments that are now panicking or causing this panic, remain calm with numbers of deaths from other causes, with war deaths, with natural disasters, with serious incurable diseases. Ofcourse this is also a problem, but there is a lack of control, such as in the case of infection. Is that it? Or is this the only area of global agreement?
In short, I don't understand. That is to say ... this state of affairs raises serious questions. I illustrated the Dutch text with a number of articles in last week's NRC (newspaper). Unfortunately it is too much to translate...
- Is this flu more dangerous than we're allowed to know? Then we would get the wrong figures, because the above figures do not justify the measures and do not point to such a terribly dangerous disease.
- Is this epidemic useful for practicing and investigating to what extent states can intervene and control?
- Is it a plague sent (by God or so) to save nature and bring man back to humanity?
- Is it an opportunity to use AI to control the individual?
- Is there perhaps such a material deficit being caused by this that the KI cannot be developed any further and 5G, for example, has to be forgotten for a while?
- Does the world economy need a push down?
- Is it an ordeal for the current US president who wants to be re-elected?
- Should we finally realize that living nature is infinitely more intelligent than technical intelligence? The powerlessness and failure of technology?
- Why do we want to recruit retired doctors, for such a handful of seriously ill people, while the others just have symptoms of the flu?
- Why does one get the impression that public fear is being exacerbated into mass hysteria, although the agent is rather innocent? Not entirely innocent, but not in accordance with these global measures?
- Why lock up 16 million people in a part of Italy when Nicola Zingaretti (54), leader of the Italian Democratic Party (PD), is infected with the new coronavirus and said on Saturday in a video message on his Facebook page. "I'm doing fine, but I have to stay home in the next few days," "I'm doing fine, but I have to stay home in the next few days," "I'm doing fine, but I must stay home in the next few days," says Zingaretti (54). He says he will continue working from home. "Good luck everyone and see you soon!". How do you match one with the other?
- Why the fear of contamination? Doesn't our body have any defence at all?
- Don't viruses actually involve elementary beings that need to be recognized, but that better not be counted, because every count increases them tremendously?
- Isn't a characteristic disease like Corona in fact a spiritual being that uses these elementary beings to manifest itself in the human realm? Does it perhaps have a certain necessary range, and are we spiritually foolish with our repulsive methods?
They're just questions, not opinions. Next week I will continue with the questions that have arisen. Surely an answer must come out of the questions...
![Mieke Mosmuller]()
The crown by Mieke Mosmuller