The freedom of thinking

The freedom of thinking


Mieke Mosmuller

06-05-2015 1 comments Print!
In the mantra from the calendar of the soul of this week (push the button 'calendar of the soul' in the menu) we experience how the perceiving soul becomes free, being widened to the world-being. This also has a more inner perspective that has to be searched for in the supernatural. I quote from my newly published book 'Living thinking':

If we want to break through the present so that we touch consciously the word-world of the living Logos, we have to learn to live in the inner notions. But this is something other than the abstract concept, also called notion. There is a great difficulty here. In this true notion we find something unimaginable, because the human being oversleeps the moments of true notion, because they can be found in the willing part of the thinking - in the will we are not awake at all.

In my book about the freedoms philosophy for young people, I tried to lead the reader to this point of true notion. I also tried to do this in my first book 'Seek the light that rises in the west'.

There I tried to do this with the mathematic concept of the circle. We have to put this concept into words to be able to conceive it. However, such concepts could also be learned by heart. We could reflect them back exactly without having grasped their meaning, and we could present a facade, with nothing behind it.

But throughout the words we can grasp the notion. We look through the physical part of thinking into the spiritual part of it. There lies the freedom of thinking. If we would try then to formulate the notion, we would have to formulate the well known concept of the circle again. The original spiritual notion can not be formulated.

But it is possible to hold on to this moment of notion. It is like standing without ground under our feet. In the spirit though, the human being is able to do it. It just asks for courage, faithfulness and trust.


But then the perception of time gets another quality. We view the body as being part of the present, but the spiritual experience is not at all being in the present. We perceive the original power of the Logos, He touches you.

What thinks us now is how the human being is thought from the beginning of the creation. It is also what the human being will be in the end of times. That is working in our being now. The life of our being is being weaved through. One feels like being uplifted above the present, in a time in which alpha and omega will be one.

Undifferentiated is this experience in the beginning - it is both embarrassing and full of grace. We feel how we have been one with the Macrocosmos, how we rested in the lap of the Gods as a more individual being, and how this becoming an individual is started on earth. We can have this as a presumption, not as a clear concept. We are being thought and guided in our willpower that we have initiated in thinking.

There is nothing already known about this way of thinking, it is thus unimaginable. It is a spiritual power that is enormous, we have to learn to endure it. It works as light, but as unrevealed light; we think without any object to think about; the unspeakable word speaks in us.
Unimaginable imagination, unspeakable word, invisible light... Uplifted from the narrowness of the body we feel ourselves to be...

The freedom of thinking
Wing-Chi Poon - self-made; at Jasper National Park, Alberta, CanadaThe freedom of thinking by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From Marie Anne Paepe @
    De ondoorgrondelijkheid doorgronden is als de dag die verschijnt te midden van de nacht die de nacht tot dag maakt (variatie op een uitspraak van Henry Corbin, aan wie ik onmiddellijk moest denken)