In winter time the spirit has to do mainly with itself. It is the wonderful time of the inner knowing light that can get to know itself. Now, however, the human spirit turns to the outward and meets the beauty in nature that is coming to life. Then the life force comes from the far distances into the body and unites the essence of the Spirit with the Human Being. The surrender to everything other than one's own spirit, the loving surrender to the World Spirit, begins here.
When from the depths of the soul The spirit turns to the being of the world And beauty wells from widths of space, Then, out of heaven's distances, Life-force comes into human bodies, And unites, powerful, The spirit's essence with the human being.
Wenn aus den Seelentiefen Der Geist sich wendet zu dem Weltensein Und Schönheit quillt aus Raumesweiten, Dann zieht aus Himmelsfernen Des Lebens Kraft in Menschenleiber Und einet, machtvoll wirkend, Des Geistes Wesen mit dem Menschensein.
(Verse: Calender of the soul by Rudolf Steiner, verse 52, for the Holy Week.)