
Blog Videos

  • Why healthcare is continuously overburdened

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    21-10-2020 5 comments

    Why healthcare is continuously overburdened

    Health care is overburdened and the overburdening of health care is one of the main motivations for the government to take measures. But the reality seems to be ignored that the cause of this overburdening can also be found in the same measures. Where the healthcare worker wants, or should want, to dedicate himself or h... read more...

  • The newspaper reader who believes everything and forgets everything

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    13-10-2020 8 comments

    The newspaper reader who believes everything and forgets everything

    Over the past few months, we have seen an enormous drive on the part of the mainstream media to provide certain information and then to contradict it with equal ease. The newspaper reader, i.e. the news consuming person, is not only believing everything, but also forgetting everything - what was written last week has been forgot... read more...

  • Truth by concensus

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    30-09-2020 2 comments

    Truth by concensus

    There are several sides to finding the truth. You need perception and thinking, but in virus and DNA research the perception side is missing.

    Mieke Mosmuller talks about the truth according to Goethe, the relationship to yourself and to the outer world and the new truth: consensus can also be made, outsi... read more...

  • A Virus: Animal, plant or mineral

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    22-09-2020 2 comments

    A Virus: Animal, plant or mineral

    The virus differs from a bacterium also by the fact that - according to the research - it is not able to move. That would indicate that it is not of an animal nature, but vegetable or even lifeless. Examples of reverse thinking with regard to the infectivity of micro-organisms.... read more...

  • Micro-organisms

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    12-09-2020 5 comments


    This video discusses the scientific view of the difference between a bacterium and a virus. Bacteria are themselves cells with the ability to multiply and they have their own metabolism, but they are parasites, i.e. they need a breeding ground in order to survive. A virus is not a cell, it is a piece of DNA or RNA, a single or d... read more...

  • Perception with the senses and truth

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    05-09-2020 1 comments

    Perception with the senses and truth

    What role does perception with the senses play in finding the meaning of a micro-organism? Perception of a bacterium and perception of a virus. The definition of the human being by Plato. Facilitating the people to make them feel how serious the situation is, i.e. communication technology.... read more...

  • Truth by coherent thinking

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    28-08-2020 8 comments

    Truth by coherent thinking

    With Aristotle's idea of correspondence in truth we do not have enough support to be able to determine in the complicated reality whether something is true or not. But we have another procedure at our disposal, that is the determination of whether a reasoning or a set of well-considered facts is coherent. That is a ... read more...

  • The everyday truth

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    13-08-2020 6 comments

    The everyday truth

    In science and philosophy truth may seem to be a difficult or even unattainable quality, in everyday life it plays a leading role as a certainty. Couldn’t we start there with truthfulness?... read more...

  • The human dignity

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    08-08-2020 6 comments

    The human dignity

    In this video Mieke Mosmuller tries to find access to a further development of the human being. It is not so much about physical and health facts, but rather about a reflection on human dignity, which every human being can find and realize in himself. The present crisis would take a completely different course.... read more...