The being of the world lies beyond the conscious knowing. When man lives into it by becoming conscious of the category of being, he recognizes it as his own being, which only becomes actual when the soul wants to create. Then the humble own self lives itself into the world self, conscious of the self and of the world.... read more...
The inner power is becoming stronger towards winter. We feel this in the inner life and these forces are being poured into my deeds. Through my conscious deeds I transform the outer world and by doing this I impress myself in the outer existence.... read more...
In August we felt how our own being, confined to a lonely existence, would have to find death in itself. The soul needs the existence of the world to be able to exist itself. Now, in November, we feel in the opposite way.... read more...
The powerful strength of the own being is becoming clearly perceptible. In summer it was a strange fruiting power that was felt, now it is the own power. In summer this strange power was given to us, now we give our own force to the world. We can feel our own being as unfolding strength and from this strength we gain the possibi... read more...
The light has become an inner light now that can radiate from inward to the outer world. In this time of the year the active conscious producing of thinking is exactly what we do. We can feel that it is will that unfolds in thinking, and how this will is becoming spiritual. With this willpower, this living will power, we are abl... read more...