• Learn to Think! and the Quest for Freedom

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    01-02-2022 1 comments

    Learn to Think! and the Quest for Freedom

    The human being is not only constantly developing in outer appearance, but also in his inner being. This crisis offers a special opportunity to look at this developing inner self. Questions about what is good or right, what is truth, what is truthfulness, what is the value of human beings and what is morality are questions that ... read more...

  • Truth only becomes valuable with wisdom in our activity

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    19-01-2022 4 comments

    Truth only becomes valuable with wisdom in our activity

    Truth only becomes valuable when there is wisdom in our activity. Indeed, our certainty with regard to the truthful standpoint is found only when we have had the courage to also take other standpoints and actually consider them. To take only our own standpoint, without honestly assessing the value of those of our fellow creature... read more...

  • The task of the Europeans

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    12-01-2022 11 comments

    The task of the Europeans

    There are, of course, many different ways of trying to counteract, deflect, transform and so on certain tendencies in the world.  We can take to the streets, we can start a revolution, we can wave flags, we can do all sorts of things, but who will give us insi... read more...

  • Learn to Think! and how to begin

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    11-01-2022 0 comments

    Learn to Think! and how to begin

    Because we have thoughts and because we can learn we think that we can think. We can absorb a great deal and put it into our memory and perhaps reproduce it, so we think: Yes, I can think! And in the course of life, we have formed opinions and judgements and we think that we have formed them ourselves, so we have the feeling tha... read more...

  • Intellectuality

    by Mieke Mosmuller

    05-01-2022 7 comments


    In Europe, we think we are lagging behind in the development of artificial intelligence. America is very advanced in that field. But the Americans complain that there are fewer and fewer students who want to study that subject. It is different in the East, for example in China. There, it is a very popular field of study, and the... read more...