Now we approach the summertime. We are getting used to looking outward more and more, and we see how the sum rises higher and higher, how the days grow longer, the nights become shorter. We are not used to feeling how we ourselves accompany the ascending sun, how our feeling powers also ascend into the space, with the sun. We ar... read more...
Forgetting the narrowness of my own will The warmth of the world, Announcing the summer, Pervades my spirit and my soul; To lose myself in the light Is the command of the spirit sight And presentiment announces to me powerfully: Lose yourself to find yourself.... read more...
Although the power of thinking is been replaced by the foreboding now, the power of the senses still becomes stronger and stronger. This is comes from the creation by the Gods. The power of thought is still being more attenuated, to the vagueness of the dream. The anticipation becomes more vague, it becomes like dreaming. For th... read more...
In becoming an image of the world, the self reaches the complete self-forgetfulness. But by arriving at the border of consciousness, the self feels that it has to recollect itself, that it should not fly away into the cosmic light. Something that is an almost unknown faculty of the human mind, the foreboding, the anticipation, h... read more...
In this week we could feel how our whole self is resurrected and is not living only in the narrowness of our own separate being, but has widened to the forces of time and space, and has become revelation of the world itself.... read more...