In epistemology there has been a great turnaround in the 20th century. Before there still was some kind of confidence in the capability of finding the truth. In the 20th century this belief was broken with. The human being feels itself as separated from truth, or as a being in a world where truth doesn't exist at all. Not ev... read more...
In Plato’s Symposion Socrates speaks of this ideal of love of beauty, quoting the wise Diotima as follows: “...he who would proceed aright in this matter should begin in youth to watch beautiful forms; and first, if he be guided by his instructor aright, to love one such form only-out of that he should create fai... read more...
Waking up in thinking is the first thing that we should achieve, to become able to see ourselves what the angels do in our souls, and so to prevent us becoming instinctive 'devils'. But developing a new art of thinking is not enough. The feeling capacity should also be educated, by an energetic self-education. In everyday life ... read more...
In the text of July 22th, I gave a quote about the work of the angels in our astral body, which showed how they evoke moral ideals in us. Our own task however is to learn to read these impulses, to be fully aware of them, to think clearly about them, to make them to our own ideals that we can work out in freedom. Freedom can... read more...
In philosophy the existence of pure thinking is being doubted for a long time. In earlier times philosophers believed that there is a 'prima philosophia', a possibility for the human being to think in a right and true way, completely without being influenced by personal thoughts. We could also say: it was not a belief,... read more...