In many spiritual, esoteric movements, one thing is certain: we must do away with thinking, because it is the cause of all division, of dualism, of being mired in materialism . Through thinking, they say the human being gets absorbed in his own inner life and oversleeps present life. Thought life is going on and on, it is fo... read more...
In the previous texts I have given an optimistic view on our social life. It is an idealistic but also realistic possibility in developing true love between people. But it is equally possible to give a pessimistic view on the social status of humanity worldwide. We can feel inside that we have the talent to be human beings t... read more...
The encounter of the one I with another I is an art. It is not a technique, not a science, not an economic principle, not based on thoughts about advantage or disadvantage - it is an art. Not everyone is a born artist; it has something to do with the past. But everyone has the talent, because it is the human talent par excellenc... read more...
True brotherhood is care for the physical wellbeing of our fellow man. The fight against poverty is part of this. But priority is the care for the body. Parable of The Good Samaritan Behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested him, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" He said to him, "What is written... read more...
In this moment, all the political, scientific, social, economic and religious frameworks are forgotten entirely, I have lost everything but love, and I live only as an I, confronted with another I. Forgotten, too, is our multicultural society; I forget all the ideals that are concerned with social life. Just one ideal is lef... read more...